Renaissance took place between the
14th and the 16th centuries in Europe.
* The invention of the Gutenberg
printing press in 1450 was an important invention because
ideas travelled quicker and farther through all of Europe.
* Renaissance was a great time for beauty and art. Leonardo de Vinci, Micheangelo created great works of art. William Shakespeare, Cervantes were great writers.
* It was also a time of creativity, imagination and curiosity. Renaissance was the age of exploration. The
voyages of great explorers (Columbus, Ponce de León, Balboa, etc... occurred during the Renaissance.
* The word renaissance is a French word and it means "rebirth". The people in that time wanted to recreate the classical models of Ancient Greece and Rome.
* Venice became the the busiest seaport in the world and Florence was the heart of art.
* During that time, Italy was the centre of the world culture and also the economic,
trade and financial leaders for Europe.
* It was a time of new ideas, science, astronomy, religion, literature, mathematics, phylosophy and politics.
* Those changes led to a modern era.

- William Shakespeare
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Michelangelo
- Johann Gutenberg
- Martin Luther
- John Calvin
- Galileo
- Christopher Columbus
- Ferdinand Magellan
- Isaac Newton
- Prince Henry the Navigator
- King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
- Henry VIII
- Queen Elisabeth I
- Francisco Pizarro
- Hernando Cortes
- Jean Jacques Rousseau
- Voltaire
- John Locke
- Nicolaus Copernico
Work in pairs and research information about some famous people in the Renaissance.
this document to start your project.
TASK 2: Write a dialogue between an interviewer and a famous person.