- GROUP 1: Who were they?
TASK: Make a poster. Draw a map showing the journey they made from their countries to England. Draw a map of England and colour the places where they settled down. Draw the pictures of the things they brought with them.Include all the information learned from the questions.

- GROUP 2: Anglo-Saxon beliefs
TASK: Make a poster. Find pictures of the main god Woden, and explain a little about it. Draw a man’s grave and explain what we can see. Draw a monk working. Include all the information learned from the questions.

- GROUP 3: Anglo-Saxon family life
TASK: Make a poster. Draw a picture of an Anglo-Saxon house. Draw a man and a woman showing their clothing. Draw a picture where we can see some of their jobs. Include all the information learned from the questions.

- GROUP 4: Boys and girls
TASK: Make a poster. Draw a picture with an Anglo-Saxon girl learning to do things. Draw a picture with an Anglo-Saxon boy learning to do things. Include all the information learned from the questions.